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Living In Japan For




Dial 110 if you become the victim of a crime or accident, or happen to see a suspicious individual or object and notify the police.
You can call for free from mobile phones and home phones, as well as by pressing the emergency button on public phones. An interpretation service is also provided. Remain calm and report the situation.


Fire / Medical Emergency (Ambulance)

Dial 119 if you need to call a fire engine or ambulance due to fire, sudden illness or injury, etc.
You can call 119 for free from mobile phones and home phones, as well as by pressing on the emergency button on public phones. When calling 119, first state whether it is a ¡Èfire¡É or ¡Èmedical emergency.¡É An interpretation service is also provided. Remain calm and report the situation.
Consult with your local government office or fire department concerning fire damages.
It would be helpful to carry your kenko hokensho (national health insurance card) or medical examination card from your hospital in case of sudden illness or injury.


Earthquake / Disaster Evacuation Sites

Keep the bare necessities of water, food and medical supplies in an easily accessible place for use in the case of earthquakes and disasters.


¡üEmergency Pack Contents

Flashlight, batteries, portable radio, lighters/matches, candles, preserved foods, drinking water, thick cotton gloves, waterproof sheets, clothes, writing utensils and first-aid kit.


We suggest that you periodically check the expiration dates of food and whether or not there are any essential objects missing from the pack.
In the event of a fire or earthquake, first verify your own safety and then shut off the gas and stove at the main valves to prevent further disasters.
Verify escape routes and evacuation sites in advance and, in the event of a disaster, use the stairs, NOT the elevators.
Collect accurate information via a radio or other source, and calmly evacuate to a designated evacuation site.


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